Sunday, March 10, 2019

Spring at the Old Home Place - A Photo Essay

One of my favorite times to visit old home places is in early spring. Flowers are blooming, springs are flowing bountifully, and fields are greening up. I hope you'll enjoy this little sojourn into spring, provided by those who have gone on before us.

Double daffodils in bloom at the old Birch McHan/Doyle Hampton home place (Needmore).

Fields greening up at the McHan/Hampton home place (Needmore). I can sit for hours on the terrace above the old chimney here (the first picture below is taken from this vantage point), taking in the sounds of the spring and Brush Creek, the sight of the lush green fields below, and the slight smell of the wild onions that grow there. It's a very serene experience.

Crocus growing in a field at the old Freeman Mill (Needmore).

Leah Truett Hunnicutt's forsythia is still blooming beautifully more than 100 years after being planted (Deep Creek).

The spring is overflowing at the McHan/Hampton home place (Needmore).

Japonica (also known as quince) is in full bloom at the Othene Carson home place (Stephenson Branch).

This old apple tree is still hanging on, budding out at the very top (Needmore).

Garlic growing at the Jim Stephenson home place (Stephenson Branch).

This periwinkle was growing below the Old Brush Creek Baptist Church/McHan cemetery (Needmore).

While hiking on an abandoned logging road in the area that once surrounded the now-drowned town of Judson, my mother spotted these daffodils far down the hill below us. Upon investigation, we found that they marked the site of an old cabin. The first picture is the daffodil field, the second picture is of the same site, with the chimney fall in the front and the daffodils in back (Greater Judson area).

All photos by Wendy Meyers.


  1. Ed, your comment made me shed a tear. It makes me so happy that I can send you a small portion of home every now and then.

    Hopefully we will be able to post our Needmore presentation in the next few days. If we can't due to size, I promise you that I'll get it to you.

    1. Ed, you definitely need to see it! I had the privilege of being there in person and your name and information you provided was sprinkled throughout the whole presentation.

    2. Fran, it wouldn't have been the same without some of Ed's stories!

  2. I'm a descendant of Birch McHan. I was not aware this existed. Thank you for posting.
